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Frequently Asked Questions

Here, we answer some of the questions we get asked the most often.

How are harness dog sports governed in Canada?

Great question! As with any sport, harness dog sports are structured in a top-down format that involves: 

  1. International Governance (IFSS / ICF)

  2. National Governance (CAHDS)

  3. Regional Governance (Regional Organizations)

  4. Local Governance (Local Clubs)

  5. Individuals

Dog Swimming
Dog gamboling in the snow

Who makes up the CAHDS board?

Each of the CAHDS Regional Organizations in Canada can nominate one representative for each province or territory it represents to the CAHDS board of directors. The board can also appoint an independent representative to represent those provinces & territories currently lacking a Regional Organization.  The current board is listed here.

Who makes up the CAHDS Membership?

CAHDS’ membership is made up of Regional Organizations and the Board of Directors. 

Dog Friends

How does voting work?

Each member of the board of directors and each province or territory (via their Regional Organization) has a vote at CAHDS' AGM.


Individuals have the opportunity to vote in their Regional Organization’s AGM. As an individual, your Regional Organization is your voice at the national level.

What if my province / territory doesn't have a Regional Organization? 

CAHDS is working hard to support the development of  Regional Organizations across the country to ensure there is fulsome representation of all regions where harness dog sports are practiced in Canada. A Regional Organization may be formed from an existing organization or created anew. 

We've also appointed an Independent Representative to our Board of Directors to represent the interests of those provinces and territories presently without a Regional Organization. 

If you reside in an unrepresented region, please contact us to inquire about your options.

Dog Owner
Toy Poodle

What is the membership fee for a Regional Organization? 

Membership Fees are set & invoiced annually by the Board of Directors. Presently, the membership fee for Regional Organizations is based on the RO's total membership (less juniors) at $5/member.

Are there opportunities to get involved at the national level as an individual? 

Yes! A few ways in fact!


CAHDS Committees: From time-to-time CAHDS requires individuals to serve on various CAHDS Committees. We typically ask your Regional Organization or the Regional Leaders Committee for recommendations for these positions, so if you are keen to get involved, we recommend reaching out to your RO or Regional Leader, so they can be sure to keep you in mind should an opportunity come up that they think would be a good fit!

Competition: There are also lots of opportunities to compete internationally each year. If you are interested in any of these opportunities, application forms for each event are posted on our website as the information becomes available. We're also happy to chat through options for those of you who would like to compete internationally in the future, but aren't sure where to start or what event might be the best fit for your team. If you have questions, reach out! 

Husky Handshake

What about youth? 

Children under 12 are required to participate with an attached adult. 

Junior classes are available at most races and typically include youth 18 and under. 

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